Monday 4 June 2012

Let's try this again, shall we?

This Blog is a bit misleading. At least the name is. I think it is not so much about irritation levels as it is about passion.

Because let's face it. If you are irritated, you are either one of those sad individuals who will find fault with everything, being all the glass is empty, or you are someone who cares.

I care. Mostly I care about finding a solution to stupidity. But the point is, I do care. A lot. Enough to write about it. 

Does this mean that this Blog is going to be just all negative space? 


Hell no. 

It will also feature revolutionary new technology, great solutions to ancient problems, and then some. Some what, I hear you ask? I can't say. It hasn't happened yet. Not today in any case. 

Today the levels of irritation is relatively low. I have started to work standing up, if that makes any sense. After having read an article about how you will DIE if you sit down all day. So now I've created my own standing up working space. It's all a bit new for me. 

I built my workstation out of books. Old books. Bought from a second-hand everything store for a little more than R250. Three boxes full. So I've stacked 'em high. And loaded it with my iPad and bluetooth keyboard. It's been about an hour and a half, and already I'm tired. But I will keep it up. I am determined to make it work, come calve-strains or cramps. 

Here's a picture of it, obviously without my iPad, since I am using it to take the picture. I will report on how it all pans out.


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